In addition to all the concerns and hygiene care in its processes, the food industry also faces the constant challenge of dealing with moisture — or, in this case, combating it. In this context, the application of magnesium carbonate as a drying agent has been consolidated as an intelligent, practical and natural alternative. Follow along with us and understand in detail the benefits of this compound!
The risks of moisture in the food industry
Moisture is one of the biggest culprits in compromising product quality and safety in the food industry. This is because water, when combined with grain, flour, and other nutrient-rich organic matter, turns into a powerful means of spreading microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and viruses.
In addition, excess moisture accelerates the deterioration process of certain foods, causing loss of texture and flavor and affecting their appearance, in addition to contributing to the development of dangerous pathogenic organisms, capable of causing food poisoning in final consumers.
Without forgetting, of course, all the operational problems that moisture can cause even in the industrial phase, interfering with the quality of ingredients such as flours, sugars, starches and other powders used in the manufacture of food, agglomerating them into particles, compromising the production process and even intensifying wear on the machinery.
The benefits of magnesium carbonate as a drying agent
It has become clear that neglecting moisture care can have quite negative consequences on the food industry, right? This is why, increasingly, the use of substances capable of curbing — or at least controlling — this process stands out in the agenda of companies that seek a more consistent and safe operation.
In this scenario, the use of magnesium carbonate as a drying agent has been consolidated as an essential practice in the production of dry foods, such as breads, cakes, chocolate powders and cookies, for example. This is because magnesium is able to absorb the H2O molecules present in the substances, preventing other ingredients, such as flours and sugars, from absorbing this moisture.
Thus, it is possible to preserve the quality and original characteristics of the product, ensuring that it presents the desired texture for longer. It is no wonder that magnesium carbonate is among the main drying agents used by the food industry. After all, more than preventing moisture, it is also a substance of natural origin, contributing to maintaining the human organism healthy.
In addition, thanks to the high hygroscopic capacity of this element, the use of magnesium carbonate as a drying agent is especially important in the production of foods that need to maintain uniform crispness and consistency, such as wafers and ice cream cones.
More security for the consumer and their operation
Especially at a time when consumers are increasingly concerned about the origin and composition of the products they consume, avoiding the use of chemical additives that could compromise food quality and safety is critical.
So it is not surprising that the application of magnesium carbonate as a drying agent has become popular in the industry in recent years. But those who think that the benefits of this solution stop there are mistaken. We have prepared a list with some of the main advantages related to this substance and the benefits of its application. Check it out:
1 – Provides more food safety
Whenever used within the limits established by regulatory agencies, magnesium carbonate is considered safe for consumption in food and can even offer benefits to human health — a major advantage compared to other non-natural chemical additives that alter the chemical structure of food.
2 – Comes from a natural origin
Magnesium carbonate can be obtained from natural sources such as marine extraction, making it a natural option for the food industry seeking to offer healthier, more natural products to consumers.
3 – It is a low cost option
It is also worth noting that magnesium carbonate emerges as a low cost option compared to other drying agents available on the market.
4 – It can be applied at different stages of the production process
Magnesium carbonate can be added at different stages of the production process, such as in ingredient mixtures, in the dough or on the surface of foods.
5 – Improves the shelf life of products
Magnesium carbonate can also contribute to improving the stability and shelf life of products by reducing moisture absorption and preventing the growth of microorganisms.
6 – Offers more versatile applications
Finally, it is worth remembering that magnesium carbonate can be used in different types of foods, such as cookies, ice cream cones, breads, pasta, sugars, chocolate powders, flours, wheat, oats and various other products.
Magnesium carbonate only at Bel Mag!
Respecting the environment and always in search of a culture of sustainable innovation, Bel Mag extracts magnesium from seawater and synthesizes this substance through a rigorous process, transforming the raw material into a final product — magnesium carbonate — of high purity, ensuring the best possible drying action and giving much more safety and predictability to your production cycles.
This means that, with Bel Mag’s use of magnesium carbonate, the food industry contributes to the environment while ensuring safer, higher quality products with a lower concentration of heavy metals, which is a common concern for many consumers.
Want to know more? Visit our website and discover how magnesium can significantly contribute to your industry and your life!
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